Kevin E. O’Grady
June 2018
Work Address
Professor Emeritus
of Psychology
Educational Background
Psychology: Clinical
Clinical Psychology Intern
Psychology Service
VA Medical Center
1978 – August 1979
General-Experimental Psychology
cum laude,
European History and Ancient Languages
Employment Background
Professor Emeritus
of Psychology
2014 – Present
of Psychology
1989 – June 2013
of Psychology
1983 – August 1989
of Psychology
1980 – August 1983
Monico, L.B., Gryczynski, J., Schwartz, R.P., Jaffe, J.H., O'Grady,
K.E., & Mitchell, S.G. (in press). Treatment outcomes among a cohort of
African American buprenorphine patients: Follow-up at 12 months. American Journal
on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2018.1461877.
Mitchell, S.G., Monico, L.B., Lertch, E., Kelly, S.M., Gryczynski,
J., Jaffe, J.H., O'Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (in press). Counseling staff's views of patient-centered methadone
treatment: Changing program rules and staff roles. Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research. doi: 10.1007/s11414-018-9603-1.
Gordon, M.S., Blue, T.R., Couvillion, K., Schwartz, R.P., O'Grady,
K.E., Fitzgerald, T.T., & Vocci, F.J. (2018). Initiating buprenorphine
treatment prior to versus after release from prison: Arrest outcomes. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 188, 232-238. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.04.010.
Nordeck, C.D., Welsh, C., Schwartz, R.P., Mitchell, S.G., Cohen, A.,
O'Grady, K.E., & Gryczynski, J. (2018)/ Rehospitalization and substance use
disorder (SUD) treatment entry among patients seen by a hospital SUD
consultation-liaison service. Drug and
Alcohol Dependence, 186, 23-28.
doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.12.043.
Nguyen, L., Lander, L.R., O'Grady, K.E., Marshalek, P.J., Schmidt,
A., Kelly, A.K., & Jones, H.E. (2018). Treating women with opioid use
disorder during pregnancy in Appalachia: Initial neonatal outcomes following
buprenorphine + naloxone exposure. American Journal on Addictions, 27(2),
92-96. doi: 10.1111/ajad.12687.
Kaltenbach, K., O'Grady, K.E., Heil, S.H., Salisbury, A.L., Coyle,
M.G., Fischer, G., Martin, P.R., Stine, S., & Jones, H.E. (2018). Prenatal exposure to methadone or
buprenorphine: Early childhood developmental outcomes. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 185,
40-49. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.11.030.
Gryczynski, J., Schwartz, R.P., Fishman, M.J., Nordeck, C.D., Grant,
J., Nidich, S., Rothenberg, S., & O'Grady, K.E. (2018). Integration of Transcendental Meditation into alcohol
use disorder (AUD) treatment. Journal of
Substance Abuse Treatment, 87, 23-30.
doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2018.01.009.
Gryczynski, J., Carswell, S.B., O'Grady, K.E., Mitchell, S.G., &
Schwartz, R.P. (2018). Gender and ethnic differences in primary care patients'
response to computerized vs. in-person brief intervention for illicit drug
misuse. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment,
84, 50-56. doi:
Pickworth, W.B., Rosenberry, Z.R., O'Grady, K.E., & Koszowski
B. (2017). Dual use of cigarettes, little cigars, cigarillos, and large cigars:
Smoking topography and toxicant exposure. Tobacco
Regulatory Science, 3(Suppl 1), S72-S83.
Schwartz, R.P., Kelly, S.M., Mitchell, S.G., Gryczynski, J.,
O'Grady, K.E., & Jaffe, J.H. (2017). When does methadone treatment reduce
arrest and severity of arrest charges? An analysis of arrest records. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 180, 385-390. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.08.025.
Caldeira, K.M., Arria, A.M., Allen, H.K., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B.,
& O'Grady, K.E. (2017). Continuity of drunk and drugged driving behaviors
four years post-college. Drug and Alcohol
Dependence, 180, 332-339. doi:
Momand, A.S., Mattfeld, E., Morales, B., Ul Haq, M., Browne, T.,
O'Grady, K.E., & Jones, H.E. (2017). Implementation and evaluation of an intervention
for children in Afghanistan at risk for substance use or actively using psychoactive
substances. International Journal of
Pediatrics, 2017:2382951. doi:
Caldeira, K.M., Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B.,
Robertson, C., & Welsh, C.J. (2017). Risk factors for gambling and
substance use among recent college students. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 179,
280-290. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.06.024.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., & O'Grady,
K.E. (2017). Trajectories of energy drink consumption and subsequent drug use
during young adulthood. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
179, 424-432. doi:
Kelly, S.M., O'Grady, K.E., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Kirk, A.,
& Schwartz, R.P. (2017). The concurrent validity of the Problem Oriented
Screening Instrument for Teenagers (POSIT)
substance use/abuse subscale in adolescent patients in an urban federally qualified
health center. Substance Abuse, 38(4), 382-388. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2017.1351413.
Gryczynski, J., Nordeck, C.D., Mitchell, S.G., Page, K.R., Johnsen,
L.L., O'Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (2017). Pilot studies examining feasibility
of substance use disorder screening and treatment linkage at urban sexually transmitted
disease clinics. Journal of Addiction Medicine,
11(5), 350-356. doi:
Gryczynski, J., McNeely, J., Wu, L.T., Subramaniam, G.A., Svikis, D.S.,
Cathers, L.A., Sharma, G., King, J., Jelstrom, E., Nordeck, C.D., Sharma, A.,
Mitchell, S.G., O'Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (2017). Validation of the
TAPS-1: A four-item screening tool to identify unhealthy substance use in primary
care. Journal of General Internal Medicine,
32(9), 990-996. doi: 10.1007/s11606-017-4079-x.
Sharma, A., Kelly, S.M., Mitchell, S.G., Gryczynski, J., O'Grady, K.E.,
& Schwartz, R.P. (2017). Update on barriers to pharmacotherapy for opioid use
disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports,
19(6), 35. doi:
Stone, K.C., Salisbury, A.L., Miller-Loncar, C.L., Mattera, J.A.,
Battle, C.L., Johnsen, D.M., & O'Grady, K.E. (2017). Pregnancy and
postpartum antidepressant use moderates the effects of sleep on depression. Archives of Womens Mental Health, 20(5) ,621-632. doi: 10.1007/s00737-17-0726-9.
Peters, E.N., Rosenberry, Z.R., Schauer, G.L., O'Grady, K.E., &
Johnson, P.S. (2017). Marijuana and tobacco cigarettes: Estimating their
behavioral economic relationship using purchasing tasks. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 25(3), 208-215. doi: 10.1037/pha0000122.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Allen, H.K., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B.,
& O'Grady, K.E. (2017). Prevalence and incidence of drug use among college
students: an 8-year longitudinal analysis. American
Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 43(6),
711-718. doi:10.1080/00952990.2017.1310219.
Allen, H.K., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady,
K.E., & Arria, A.M. (2017). Drug involvement during and after college:
Estimates of opportunity and use given opportunity. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 174,
150-157. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.01.025.
Gordon, M.S., Kinlock, T.W., Schwartz, R.P., O'Grady, K.E.,
Fitzgerald, T.T., & Vocci, F.J. (2017). A randomized clinical trial of
buprenorphine for prisoners: Findings at 12-months post-release. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 172, 34-42. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.11.037.
Gordon, M.S., Vocci, F.J., Fitzgerald, T.T., O'Grady, K.E., & O'Brien,
C.P. (2017). Extended-release naltrexone for pre-release prisoners: A
randomized trial of medical mobile treatment. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 53,
130-136. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2016.12.015.
Schwartz, R.P., Kelly, S.M., Mitchell, S.G., Gryczynski, J.,
O'Grady, K.E., Gandhi, D., Olsen, Y., & Jaffe, J.H. (2017).
Patient-centered methadone treatment: a randomized clinical trial. Addiction, 112(3), 454-464. doi: 10.1111/add.13622.
Bhattacharjee, S., Kumar, R., Agrawal, A., O'Grady, K.E., & Jones,
H.E. (2016). Risk factors for substance use among street children entering treatment
in India. Indian Journal of Psychological
Medicine, 38(5), 419-423.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., &
O'Grady, K.E. (2016) Energy drink use patterns among young adults: Associations
with drunk driving. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40(11), 2456-2466. doi:
McNeely, J., Wu, L.T., Subramaniam, G., Sharma, G., Cathers, L.A.,
Svikis, D., Sleiter, L., Russell, L., Nordeck, C., Sharma, A., O'Grady, K.E.,
Bouk, L.B., Cushing, C., King, J., Wahle, A., & Schwartz, RP. (2016). Performance of the
Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medication, and Other Substance Use (TAPS) Tool
for substance use screening in primary care patients. Annals of Internal Medicine, 165(10),
690-699. doi: 10.7326/M16-0317.
Gryczynski, J., O'Grady, K.E., Mitchell, S.G., Ondersma, S.J., &
Schwartz, R.P. (2016). Immediate versus delayed computerized brief intervention
for illicit drug misuse. Journal of
Addiction Medicine, 10(5), 344-51.
doi: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000248.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., Cimini,
M.D., Geisner, I.M., Fossos-Wong, N., Kilmer, J.R., & Larimer, M.E. (2017).
Do college students improve their grades by using prescription stimulants
nonmedically? Addictive Behaviors, 65, 245-249. doi:
Jones, H.E., Seashore, C., Johnson, E., Horton, E., O'Grady, K.E.,
Andringa, K., Grossman, M.R., Whalen, B., & Holmes, A.V. (2016). Psychometric
assessment of the Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System and the MOTHER NAS Scale. American Journal on Addictions. 25, 370-373. doi:10.1111/ajad.12388
Schwartz, R.P., Kelly, S.M., Mitchell, S.G., Dunlap, L., Zarkin,
G.A., Sharma, A., O'Grady, K.E., & Jaffe, J.H. (2016). Interim
methadone and patient navigation in jail: Rationale and design of a randomized
clinical trial. Contemporary Clinical
Trials, 49, 21-28. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2016.06.002
Sharma, A., O'Grady, K.E., Kelly, S.M., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell,
S.G., & Schwartz, R.P. (2016). Pharmacotherapy for opioid dependence
in jails and prisons: Research review update and future directions. Substance Abuse Rehabilitation, 7,
27-40. doi:10.2147/SAR.S81602
Chandler, R.K., Finger, M.S., Farabee, D., Schwartz, R.P., Condon,
T., Dunlap, L.J., Zarkin, G.A., McCollister, K., McDonald, R.D., Laska, E.,
Bennett, D., Kelly, S.M., Hillhouse, M., Mitchell, S.G., O'Grady, K.E., & Lee,
J.D. (2016). The SOMATICS collaborative: Introduction to a National Institute on
Drug Abuse cooperative study of pharmacotherapy for opioid treatment in
criminal justice settings. Contemporary
Clinical Trials, 48, 166-172. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2016.05.003
Ondersma, S.J., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., O'Grady, K.E., &
Schwartz, R.P. (2016). Process evaluation of a technology-delivered screening
and brief intervention for substance use in primary care. Internet Interventions, 4(Pt
1), 11-16. doi:10.1016/j.invent.2016.01.004
O'Grady, K.E., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Ondersma, S.J.,
& Schwartz, R.P. (2016). Confirmatory factor analysis of the Alcohol,
Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in community health
center patients. American Journal on Addictions, 25(4), 259-263. doi:10.1111/ajad.12360
Monico, L., Schwartz, R.P., Gryczynski, J., O'Grady, K.E., &
Mitchell, S.G. (2016). Two models of integrating buprenorphine treatment and
medical staff within formerly "drug-free" outpatient programs. Journal
of Psychoactive Drugs, 48(2), 101-108. doi:10.1080/02791072.2015.1130884
J., Schwartz, R.P., O'Grady, K.E., Restivo, L., Mitchell, S.G., & Jaffe, J.H.
(2016). Understanding patterns of high-cost health care use across different
substance user groups. Health Affairs,
35(1), 12-19. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2015.0618
Salisbury, A.L., O'Grady, K.E., Battle, C.L., Wisner, K.L.,
Anderson, G.M., Stroud, L.R., Miller-Loncar, C.L., Young, M.E., & Lester,
B.M. (2016). The roles of maternal depression, serotonin reuptake inhibitor
treatment, and concomitant benzodiazepine use on infant neurobehavioral
functioning over the first postnatal month. American Journal of Psychiatry,
173(2), 147-157. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2015.14080989
Jones, H.E., Seashore, C., Johnson, E., Horton, E., O'Grady, K.E.,
& Andringa, K. (2016). Measurement of neonatal abstinence syndrome:
Evaluation of short forms. Journal of Opioid Management, 12(1), 19-23. doi:10.5055/jom.2016.0308
Jones, H.E., Kirtadze, I., Otiashvili, D., Murphy, K., O'Grady, K.E.,
Zule, W., Krupitsky, E., & Wechsberg, W.M. (2015). Feasibility and initial
efficacy of a culturally sensitive women-centered substance use intervention in
Georgia: Sex risk outcomes. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and
Policy, 10(47), 1-15.
Vocci, F.J.,
Schwartz, R.P., Wilson, M.E., Gordon, M.S., Kinlock, T.W., Fitzgerald, T.T.,
O'Grady, K.E., & Jaffe J.H. (2015). Buprenorphine dose induction in
non-opioid-tolerant pre-release prisoners. Drug
& Alcohol Dependence, 156, 133-138. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.09.001.
Arria, A.M.,
Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., & O'Grady, K.E. (2016).
Marijuana use trajectories during college predict health outcomes nine years
post-matriculation. Drug & Alcohol
Dependence, 159, 158-165. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.12.009
Arria, A.M.,
Caldeira, K.M., Allen, H.K., Vincent, K.B., Bugbee, B.A., & O'Grady, K.E.
(2016). Drinking like an adult? Trajectories of alcohol use patterns before and
after college graduation. Alcoholism:
Clinical and Experimental Research, 40(3), 583-590. doi:10.1111/acer.12973
Gryczynski, J., Nordeck, C., Mitchell, S.G., O'Grady, K.E.,
McNeely, J., Wu, L. T., & Schwartz, R.P. (2015). Reference periods in
retrospective behavioral self-report: A qualitative investigation. American
Journal on Addictions, 24(8),
744-747. doi:10.1111/ajad.12305
S.G., Monico, L.B., Gryczynski, J., O'Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (2015).
Staff views of acceptability and appropriateness of a computer-delivered brief intervention
for moderate drug and alcohol use. Journal
of Psychoactive Drugs, 47(4), 301-307. doi:10.1080/02791072.2015.1075631.
S.G., Schwartz, R.P., Kirk, A.S., Dusek, K., Oros, M., Hosler, C., Gryczynski,
J., Barbosa, C., Dunlap, L., Lounsbury, D., O'Grady, K.E., & Brown, B.S.
(2015). SBIRT implementation for adolescents in urban federally qualified health
centers. Journal of Substance Abuse
Treatment, 60, 81-90. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2015.06.011.
Arria, A.M.,
Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., & O'Grady, K.E. (2015).The
academic consequences of marijuana use during college. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 29(3), 564-575. doi:10.1037/adb0000108.
R.P., Kelly, S.M., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., O'Grady, K.E., & Jaffe,
J.H. (2015). Heroin use, HIV-risk, and criminal behavior in Baltimore: Findings
from clinical research. Journal of
Addictive Diseases, 34(2-3), 151-161. doi:10.1080/10550887.2015.1059222.
L.B., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Schwartz, R.P., O'Grady, K.E., &
Jaffe, J.H. (2015). Buprenorphine treatment and 12-step meeting attendance:
Conflicts, compatibilities, and patient outcomes. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 57, 89-95.
L.B., Mitchell, S.G., Gryczynski, J., Schwartz, R.P., O'Grady, K.E., Olsen,
Y.K., & Jaffe, J.H. (2015). Prior experience with non-prescribed
buprenorphine: Role in treatment entry and retention. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 57, 57-62.
S.G., Gryczynski, J., Schwartz, R.P., Myers, C.P., O'Grady, K.E., Olsen, Y.K.,
& Jaffe, J.H. (2015). Changes
in quality of life following buprenorphine treatment: Relationship with
treatment retention and illicit opioid use. Journal
of Psychoactive Drugs, 47(2), 149-157. doi:10.1080/02791072.2015.1014948
E.N., Nordeck, C., Zanetti, G., O'Grady, K.E., Serpelloni, G., Rimondo, C.,
Blanco, C., Welsh, C. & Schwartz, R.P. (2015). Relationship of gambling with tobacco,
alcohol, and illicit drug use among adolescents in the USA: Review of the
literature 2000-2014. American Journal on
Addictions. 24(3), 206-216. doi:10.1111/ajad.12214
J., Mitchell, S.G., Ondersma, S.J., O'Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (2015).
Potential radiating effects of misusing substances among medical patients
receiving brief intervention. Journal of
Substance Abuse Treatment, 55, 39-44. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2015.02.003
E.N., Harrell, P.T., Hendricks, P.S., O'Grady, K.E., Pickworth, W.B., &
Vocci, F.J. (2015). Electronic cigarettes in adults in outpatient substance use
treatment: Awareness, perceptions, use, and reasons for use. American Journal on Addictions. 24(3),
233-239. doi:10.1111/ajad.12206
I., Otiashvili, D., O'Grady, K., Zule, W., Krupitsky, E., Wechsberg, W., &
Jones, H. (2015). Women who inject drugs in the republic of Georgia: In their
own words. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.
47(1), 71-79. doi:10.1080/02791072.2014.990174
Jones, H.E.,
Heil, S., & O'Grady, K.E. (2015). Comment on: Infants of opioid-dependent
mothers: Neurodevelopment at six months. Early
Human Development, 91(3), 243-243. doi:10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2015.01.002
J., Kelly, S.M., Mitchell, S.G., Kirk, A., O'Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P.
(2015). Validation and performance of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance
Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) among adolescent primary care patients. Addiction, 110(2), 240-247.
J., Mitchell, S.G., Gonzales, A., Moseley, A., Peterson, T.R., Ondersma, S.J.,
O'Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (2015). A randomized trial of computerized
vs. in-person brief intervention for illicit drug use in primary care: Outcomes
through 12 months. Journal of Substance
Abuse Treatment, 50, 3-10. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2014.09.002
M.S., Kinlock, T.W., Schwartz, R.P., Couvillion, K.A., Sudec, L.J., O'Grady,
K.E., Vocci, F.J., & Shabazz, H. (2015). Buprenorphine treatment for
probationers and parolees. Substance
Abuse, 36(2), 217-225. doi:10.1080/08897077.2014.902787
Kelly, S.M.,
Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Kirk, A., O'Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (2014).
Validity of brief screening instrument for adolescent tobacco, alcohol, and
drug use. Pediatrics, 133(5), 819-826. doi:10.1542/peds.2013-2346
S.G., Kelly, S.M., Gryczynski, J., Myers, C.P., O'Grady, K.E., Kirk, A.S., &
Schwartz, R.P. (2014). The CRAFFT cut-points and DSM-5 criteria for alcohol and
other drugs: A re-evaluation and re-examination. Substance Abuse, 35(4), 376-380. doi:10.1080/08897077.2014.936992
S.G., Gryczynski, J., Kelly, S.M., O'Grady, K.E., Jaffe, J.H., Olsen, Y.K.,
& Schwartz, R.P. (2014). Treatment outcomes of African American
buprenorphine patients by parole and probation status. Journal of Drug Issues, 44(1), 69-82.
Jones, H.E.,
Kirtadze, I., Otiashvili, D., O'Grady, K.E., Murphy, K., Zule, W., Krupitsky,
E., & Wechsberg, W.M. (2014). Process and product in cross-cultural
treatment research: Development of a culturally sensitive women-centered
substance use intervention in Georgia. Journal
of Addiction, 2014(163603), 1-12. doi:10.1155/2014/163603
Gordon, M.S.,
Kinlock, T.W., Schwartz, R.P., Fitzgerald, T.T., O'Grady, K.E., & Vocci, F.J.
(2014). A randomized controlled trial of prison-initiated buprenorphine: Prison
outcomes and community treatment entry. Drug
& Alcohol Dependence, 142(1), 33-40.
J., Schwartz, R.P., Mitchell, S.G., O'Grady, K.E., & Ondersma, S.J. (2014).
Hair drug testing results and self-reported drug use among primary care
patients with moderate-risk illicit drug use. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 141(1), 44-50.
Jones, H.E.,
Myers, B., O'Grady, K.E., Gebhardt, S., Theron, G.B., & Wechsberg, W.M.
(2014). Initial feasibility and acceptability of a comprehensive intervention
for methamphetamine-using pregnant women in South Africa. Psychiatry Journal, 2014(929767), 1-8. doi:10.1155/2014/929767
Kelly, S.M.,
Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Kirk, A., O'Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P.
(2014). Concordance between DSM-5 and DSM-IV nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis
use disorder diagnoses among pediatric patients. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 140(1), 213-216.
R.P., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Gonzales, A., Moseley, A., Peterson,
T.R., Ondersma, S.J., & O'Grady, K.E. (2014). Computerized versus in-person
brief intervention for drug misuse: A randomized clinical trial. Addiction, 109(7), 1091-1098.
Arria, A.M.,
Caldeira, K.M., Moshkovich, O., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., & O’Grady,
K.E. (2014). Providing alcohol to underage youth: The view from young
adulthood. Alcoholism: Clinical and
Experimental Research, 38(6), 1790-1798. doi:10.1111/acer.12426
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent,
K.B., Bugbee, B.A., & O'Grady, K.E. (2014). False identification use among
college students increases the risk for alcohol use disorder: Results of a
longitudinal study. Alcoholism: Clinical
and Experimental Research, 38(3), 834-843. doi:10.1111/acer.12261
Schwartz, R.P., Alexandre, P.K., Kelly,
S.M., O'Grady, K.E., Gryczynski, J., & Jaffe, J.H. (2014). Interim versus
standard methadone treatment: A benefit-cost analysis. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 46(3), 306-314.
Jones, H.E., Dengler, E., Garrison, A.,
O'Grady, K.E., Seashore, C., Horton, E., Andringa, K., Jansson, L.M., &
Thorp, J. (2014). Neonatal outcomes and their relationship to maternal
buprenorphine dose during pregnancy. Drug
& Alcohol Dependence, 134(1), 414-417.
Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Jaffe,
J.H., O'Grady, K.E., Olsen, Y.K., & Schwartz, R.P. (2014). Leaving
buprenorphine treatment: Patients' reasons for cessation of care. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 46(3),
356-361. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2013.10.004
Peters, E.N., Schwartz, R.P., Wang, S.,
O'Grady, K.E., & Blanco, C. (2014). Psychiatric, psychosocial, and physical
health correlates of co-occurring cannabis use disorders and nicotine
dependence. Drug & Alcohol
Dependence, 134(1), 228-234. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2013.10.003
A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., & O’Grady, K.E. (2013).
The academic opportunity costs of substance use during college. College Park,
MD: Center on Young Adult Health and Development. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2941.2964,
Available online at:
M.S., Kinlock, T.W., Schwartz, R.P., Couvillion, K.A., & O'Grady, K.E.
(2013). The severity, frequency, and variety of crime in heroin-dependent prisoners
enrolled in a buprenorphine clinical trial. Prison
Journal, 93(4), 390-410. 10.1177/0032885513500753
H.E., Jansson, L.M., O'Grady, K.E., & Kaltenbach, K. (2013). The
relationship between maternal methadone dose at delivery and neonatal outcome:
methodological and design considerations. Neurotoxicology
& Teratology, 39,
110-115. doi:10.1016/
M.S., Kinlock, T.W., Couvillion, K.A., Wilson, M.E., Schwartz, R.P., &
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O’Grady, K.E. (1983). A confirmatory maximum
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Psychology, 51(6), 826-831. doi:10.1037//0022-006X.51.6.826
O’Grady, K.E. (1983). Transformation of variables
to linear combinations. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation,
15(3), 391. doi:10.3758/BF03203666
O’Grady, K.E. (1982). “Affect, sex guilt, gender,
and the rewarding-punishing effects of erotic stimuli”: A reanalysis and
reinterpretation. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 43(3),
618-622. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.43.3.618
O’Grady, K.E. (1982). Measures of explained
variance: Cautions and limitations. Psychological Bulletin, 92(3),
766-777. doi:10.1037//0033-2909.92.3.766
O’Grady, K.E. (1982). Regression estimation of
missing data. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 14(3),
359-360. doi:10.3758/BF03203234
O’Grady, K.E. (1982). Sex, physical attractiveness,
and perceived risk for mental illness. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 43(5), 1064-1071. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.43.5.1064
Janda, L.H., O’Grady, K.E., & Barnhart, S.A.
(1981). Effects of sexual attitudes and physical attractiveness on person
perception of men and women. Sex Roles,
7(2), 189-199. doi:10.1007/BF00287805
Janda, L.H., O’Grady, K.E., Nichelous, J., Harsher,
D., Denny, C., & Denner, K. (1981). Effects of sex guilt on interpersonal
pleasuring. Journal of Personality and Social psychology, 40(1), 201-209.
O’Grady, K.E. (1981). Probabilities and critical
values for z, χ2,
r, t, and F. Behavior Research Methods &
Instrumentation, 13, 55-56.
Janda, L.H., & O’Grady, K.E. (1980).
Development of a sex anxiety inventory. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 48(2), 169-175. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.48.2.169
Mosher, D.L., O’Grady, K.E., & Katz, H.A.
(1980). Hostility guilt, guilt over aggression, and self-punishment. Journal
of Personality Assessment, 44(1), 34-40. doi:10.1207/s15327752jpa4401_4
O’Grady, K.E. (1980). The Absorption Scale: A
factor-analytic assessment. International Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Hypnosis, 28(3), 281-288.
Mosher, D.L., & O’Grady, K.E. (1979).
Homosexual threat, negative attitudes toward masturbation, sex guilt, and
males’ sexual and affective reactions to explicit sexual films. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47(5), 860-873.
Mosher, D.L., & O’Grady, K.E. (1979). Sex
guilt, trait anxiety, and females’ subjective sexual arousal to erotica. Motivation
and Emotion, 3(3), 235-249. doi:10.1007/BF01904228
O’Grady, K.E., Freda, J.S., & Mikulka, P.J.
(1979). A comparison of the Adjective Check List, Bem Sex Role Inventory, and
Personal Attributes Questionnaire masculinity and femininity subscales.
Multivariate Behavioral Research, 14(2), 215-225.
O’Grady, K.E., & Janda, L.H. (1979). Factor
analysis of the Mosher Forced Choice Guilt Inventory. Journal of Consulting
and Clinical Psychology, 47(6), 1131-1133. doi:10.1037//0022-006X.47.6.1131
O’Grady, K.E., Janda, L.H., & Gillen, H.B.
(1979). A multidimensional scaling analysis of sex guilt. Multivariate
Behavioral Research, 14(4), 415-434. doi:10.1207/s15327906mbr1404_3
Janda, L. H., & O’Grady, K.E. (1978). Fear of
success in males and females in sex-linked occupations. Sex Roles, 4(1), 43-50.
O’Grady, K.E. (1978). Imaginative role-playing,
need for achievement, and perceived outcome in relation to occupational status:
Comments on “Some statistical methods for the assessment of multiple
outcome criteria in behavioral research”. Behavior Therapy, 9(3), 471-473.
O’Grady, K.E., & Janda, L.H. (1978).
Psychometric correlates of the Mosher Forced choice Guilt Inventory. Journal
of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46(6), 1581-1582.
O’Grady, K.E., Janda, L.H., Lancaster, E.W., &
Mikulka, P.J. (1978). Imaginative role-playing, need for achievement, and
perceived outcome in relation to occupational status. Journal of Research in
Personality, 12(3), 329-334. doi:10.1016/0092-6566(78)900594
O’Grady, K.E. (1977). A program to compute
point-biserial coefficients of correlation. Educational and Psychological
Measurement, 37(1), 263-265. doi:10.1177/001316447703700135
Janda, L.H., & O’Grady, K. (1976). Effects of
guilt and response modality upon associative sexual responses. Journal of
Research in Personality, 10(4), 457-462. doi:10.1016/0092-6566(76)90059-3
Test Reviews
O’Grady, K.E. (1989). Review of the Bipolar
Psychological Inventory. In J.C. Conoley & J.J. Kramer (Eds.), The tenth
mental measurements yearbook. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
O’Grady, K.E. (1989). Review of the Golombok-Rust
Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction. In J.C. Conoley & J.J. Kramer (Eds.), The
tenth mental measurements yearbook. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska
O’Grady, K.E. (1985). Review of the Sex Attitudes
Survey and Profile, Trail edition. In J.V. Mitchell, Jr. (Ed.), The ninth
mental measurements yearbook Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
O’Grady, K.E. (1985). Review of the Sexual Concerns
Checklist, Experimental Edition. In J.V. Mitchell, Jr. (Ed.), The ninth
mental measurements yearbook. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Presented Papers
Barbosac C., Wedehasec B.J., Dunlap, L.J.,, Mitchell, S.G., Dusek K.A., Schwartz, R.P., Gryczynski, J., Kirk, A.S.,
Oros, M.T., Hosler, C., O’Grady,
K.E., & Brown, B.S. (2017, September). Cost‑effectiveness of SBI implementation for adolescents. Proceedings of the 14th annual conference of
INEBRIA, New York, NY. [Abstracted in Addiction Science & Clinical Practice,
2017, 12(Suppl 1), 25.]
Mitchell. S., Monico, L.
Schwartz, R., Gryczynski, J., O’Grady, K., Fishman, M. (2018, June). Injectors v. non-injectors: Baseline sample
differences from a study of vivitrol treatment for youth with opioid use
disorder. Paper presented at the 80th Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Blue, T., Gordon, M.,
Schwartz, R., Vocci, F., & O’Grady, K. (2108, June). A randomized controlled trial of prison-initiated buprenorphine:
Longitudinal analysis of HIV-risk behaviors. Paper presented at the 80th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Gordon, M., Blue, T.,
Schwartz, R., Fitzgerald, T., Vocci, F., & O’Grady, K. (2108, June). A randomized controlled trial of
buprenorphine for prisoners: Official rearrest outcomes. Paper
presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Kelly, S., Schwartz, R.,
O’Grady, K., Mitchell, S., Gryczynski, J., & Jaffe, J. (2108, June). Factors predicting arrest in a jail-based
vs. a community-based methadone treatment study. Paper
presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Monico, L., Gryczynski,
J., Schwartz, R., Jaffe, J., O’Grady, K., & Mitchell, S. (2017, June). Treatment outcomes among a cohort of African-American buprenorphine
patients: Follow-up at 12- and 18-months. Paper presented at the 79th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Montréal, Canada.
Momand, A.S., Jones, H.,
Mattfeld, E., Morales, B., & O’Grady, K. (2017, June). Substance use in children in Afghanistan: Gender differences at
treatment entry and in response to treatment. Paper
presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, Montréal, Canada.
Schwartz, R., McNeely,
J., Wu, L-T., Sharma, G., Wahle, A., Cushing, C., Nordeck, C., Sharma, A., O’Grady,
K., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, R., Ali, R., Marsden, J., & Subramaniam, G. (2017, June). Substance misuse screening in primary care:
TAPS Tool vs. ASSIST. Paper presented at the 79th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Montréal, Canada.
Gryczynski, J., Schwartz,
R., Nordeck, C., Fishman, M., & O’Grady, K. (2017, June). Integration of transcendental meditation
into alcohol use disorder treatment. Paper presented at the 79th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Montréal, Canada.
Peters, E., Rosenberry,
Z., Schauer, G., O’Grady, K., & Johnson, P. (2017, June). Marijuana and tobacco cigarettes: Estimating
their behavioral economic relationship using purchasing tasks. Paper
presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, Montréal, Canada.
Mitchell, S., Monico, L.,
Lertch, E., Schwartz, R., Gryczynski, J., O’Grady, K., & Fishman, M. (2017,
June). Using timeline methodology to
visualize qualitative treatment trajectories of youth enrolled in an RCT of
extended-release naltrexone. Paper presented at the 79th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Montréal, Canada.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.,
Barrall, A., Bugbee, B.A. Kurikeshu, R., Vincent, KB., & O'Grady, K. (2017,
June). Parent attitudes, early
intoxication, and alcohol problems during college. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association,
Atlanta, GA.
Allen, H.K., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., Bugbee, B.A.,
O'Grady, K.E., & Arria, A.M. (2016, October/November). Restrictive peer networks among substance-using college students: An
untapped intervention target? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., & O'Grady,
K.E. (2016, June). Correlates of
experiencing blackouts among high-risk college student drinkers. Paper
presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Research Society on
Alcoholism, New Orleans, LA.
Bugbee, B.A., Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B.,
& Arria, A.M. (2016, June). Gender
differences in remission from alcohol and marijuana dependence in college
students. Paper presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the College
on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., &
O'Grady, K.E. (2016, June). Energy drink
use trajectories predict substance use outcomes. Paper presented at the 78th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., &
Arria, A.M. (2016, June). Marijuana use
problems predict post-college employment outcomes. Paper presented at the 78th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Bhattacharjee, S., Kumar, R., Agrawal, A., O’Grady, K.E., &
Jones, H.E. (2016, June). Emerging
substance use patterns among children in India. Paper presented at the 78th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Momand, A.S., Mattfeld, E., Gerra, G., Moralis, B., Brown, T.,
O’Grady, K.E., & Jones, H.E. (2016, June). Improving the lives of children who use drugs in Afghanistan. Paper
presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Kelly, S.M., O’Grady, K.E., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G.,
Jaffe, J.H., & Schwartz, R.P. (2016, June). Methadone patients in patient-centered treatment: One-year arrest data.
Paper presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Schwartz, R.P., Kelly, S.M., Gryczynski, J., O’Grady, K.E.,
Gandhi, D., Olsen, Y., Jaffe, J.H., & Mitchell, S.G. (2016, June). A randomized trial of patient-centered
methadone treatment with optional counseling. Paper presented at the 78th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Gryczynski, J., McNeely, J., Wu, L.T., Subramanian G., Sharma,
G., Nordeck, C., Sharma, A., Cathers, L.A., Cushing, C., Svikis, D., Jelstrom,
E., O’Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (2016, June). Performance of the TAPS-I brief screening tool in primary care.
Paper presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Allen, H.K., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B.,
O’Grady, K.E., & Arria, A.M. (2016, April). Drug involvement during and after college: Estimates of opportunity and
use given opportunity. Paper presented at Graduate Research Appreciation
Day, College Park, MD.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., &
O'Grady, K.E. (2016, April). Age of
initiation of marijuana use and academic engagement during college. Paper presented at Public Health
Research@Maryland, College Park, MD.
Allen, H.K., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B.,
O’Grady, K.E., & Arria, A.M. (2016, April). Drug involvement during and after college: Estimates of opportunity and
use given opportunity. Paper presented at Public Health Research@Maryland, College
Park, MD.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., &
O'Grady, K.E. (2016, March). Age of
initiation of marijuana use and academic engagement during college. Paper
presented at the Marijuana and Cannabinoids: A Neuroscience Research Summit,
Bethesda, MD.
Caldeira, K.M., Arria, A.M., Allen, H., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent,
K.B., & O’Grady, K.E. (2015, November). Continuity of drunk and drugged driving behaviors four years
post-college. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Public Health Association, Chicago, IL.
A.M., Bugbee, B.A., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., & O’Grady, K.E. (2015,
November). Subjective drunkenness:
Relation to drunk driving risk and possible utility as a novel screening item
for alcohol-related consequences among college students. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Chicago,
A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O’Grady, K.E., Robertson, C., & Welsh,
C. (2015, July). Changing patterns
of gambling during young adulthood: Longitudinal study results. Paper
presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the National Council on
Problem Gambling, Baltimore, MD.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., &
O'Grady, K.E. (2015, June). Symposium:
Mixing alcohol and energy drinks: New converging evidence of risk from
experimental and observational studies (Energy drink use patterns among young
adults: Prevalence of mixing with alcohol and risk for drunk driving).
Paper presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Research Society
on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., & O'Grady, K.E. (2015, June). Marijuana use trajectories during college predict health outcomes nine years post-matriculation. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Phoenix, AZ.
Kirtadze, I., Otiashvili, D., O’Grady, K.E., Zule, W., Krupitsky,
E., Wechsberg, W., & Jones, H.E. (2015, June). Comprehensive women-centered treatment for substance use in Georgia:
Initial examination of drug use and HIV risk. Paper presented at the 77th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Phoenix, AZ.
Kelly, S.M., O’Grady, K.E., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Kirk,
A., & Schwartz, R.P. (2015, June). The
relationship between risky substance use and friends’ use of nicotine, alcohol,
and other drugs in an adolescent sample. Paper presented at the 77th
Annual Meeting of the College of Problems on Drug Dependence, Phoenix, AZ.
Mitchell, S.G., Monico, L., Lertch, E., Gryczynski, J., Kelly,
S.M., O’Grady, K.E., Jaffe, J.H., & Schwartz, R.P. (2015, June). Counselors’ views of providing
patient-centered methadone treatment in a clinical trial. Paper presented
at the 77th Annual Meeting of the College of Problems on Drug
Dependence, Phoenix, AZ.
Monico, L., Mitchell, S.G., Gryczynski, J., Schwartz, R.P., Olsen,
Y., O’Grady, K.E., & Jaffe, J.H. (2015, June). Physician integration in formerly “drug-free” outpatient programs
providing buprenorphine. Paper presented at the 77th Annual
Meeting of the College of Problems on Drug Dependence, Phoenix, AZ.
Fitzsimons, H., Tuten, M., O’Grady, K.E., Chisolm, M.S., & Jones,
H.E. (2015, June). A SMART design:
Response to reinforcement-based treatment intensity among pregnant, drug
dependent women. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of
the College of Problems on Drug Dependence, Phoenix, AZ.
Schwartz, R.P., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., O’Grady, K.E., &
Ondersma, S. (2015, June). A randomized
delayed implementation trial of computerized brief intervention for drug misuse.
Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the College of
Problems on Drug Dependence, Phoenix, AZ.
Gryczynski, J., Schwartz, R.P., Jaffe, J.H., O’Grady, K.E., & Mitchell,
S.G. (2015, June). U.S. estimates of
hospitalization by substance use profile. Paper presented at the 77th
Annual Meeting of the College of Problems on Drug Dependence, Phoenix, AZ.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M.,
Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., & O'Grady, K.E. (2014, November). Marijuana use during college: Impact on
academic behaviors and achievement. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Public Health Association, New Orleans, LA.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M.,
Vincent, K.B., & O'Grady, K.E. (2014, November). Drinking like an adult? Trajectories of alcohol consumption before and
after college graduation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Public Health Association, New Orleans, LA.
Caldeira, K.M., Arria,
A.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B., & Welsh, C. (2014, July). Gambling and drinking frequency among
college students: Putting fuel on the fire? Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the National Council on Problem Gambling, Orlando, FL.
Schwartz, R.P.,
Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Gonzales, A., Peterson, T., Moseley, A.,
O’Grady, K.E., & Ondersma, S.J. (2014, June). Computer vs. in-person brief intervention for drug misuse: 12-month
outcomes. Paper presented at the 76th Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Kelly, S.M., O’Grady, K.E., Gryczynski, J.,
Mitchell, S.M., Kirk, A., & Schwartz, R.P. (2014, June). DSM-5 substance use disorder vs. DSM-IV
substance abuse and dependence among pediatric patients. Paper presented at the 76th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto
Gryczynski, J., Kelly, S.M., Mitchell, S.G., Kirk,
A., O’Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (2014, June). Validation and performance of the Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance
Involvement Screening Test in adolescent primary care patients. Paper presented at the 76th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto
Kirtadze, I., Otiashvili, D., O’Grady, K.E., Jones,
H., Zule, W., Krupitsky, E., & Wechsberg, W. (2014, June). Preliminary evidence of injection drug
reduction from a woman-focused RCT in Republic of Georgia. Paper presented at the 76th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto
Mitchell, S.G., Dusek, K., Gryczynski, J., Oros,
M., Hosler, C., Kirk, A., O’Grady, K.E., Brown, B., & Schwartz, R.P. (2014,
June). Adolescent SBIRT implementation in
an urban FQHC: The first 6 months. Paper
presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Otiashvili, D., Kirtadze, I., O’Grady, K.E., Zule,
W., Krupitsky, E., Wechsberg, W., & Jones, H. (2014, June). Comprehensive women-centered treatment for
substance use disorders in the Republic of Georgia: Current status and future
directions. Paper presented at the 76th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto
Arria, A.M., Bugbee, B.A.,
Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., & O’Grady, K.E. (2014, June). Longitudinal patterns of ecstasy and other
drug use among young adults. Paper presented at the 76th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto
Kirtadze, I., Otiashvili, D., O’Grady, K., Jones,
H., Zule, W., Krupitsky, E., & Wechsberg, W. (2013, June). Stigma,
violence, and the lack of confidentiality: The need for comprehensive,
women-centered drug treatment in Georgia. Poster presented at the 75th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Jones, H., Kirtadze, I., Otiashvili, D., O’Grady,
K., Zule, W., Krupitsky, E., & Wechsberg, W. (2013, June). Adapting a women-centered intervention for
injection drug users in the Republic of Georgia. Poster presented at the 75th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Gonzales, A., Moseley A., Peterson, T.,
O’Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P.
(2013, June). Hair testing for drug use in a moderate-risk
primary care population: Comparison with self-report and experiences from a
clinical trial. Poster presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of
the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Serpelloni, G.S., Gomma, M.G., Genetti, B., Zermiani, M., Rimondo, C.,
Mollica, R., Gryczynski, J., O’Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (2013, June).
Electronic health record system in
Italian opioid agonist treatment programs. Poster presented at the 75th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Schwartz, R.P., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Gonzales, A., Peterson, T.,
Moseley, A., O’Grady, K., &
Ondersma, S.J. (2013, June). A randomized trial of a computerized brief
intervention for drug use in primary care: 3-month outcomes. Poster presented at the 75th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Kelly, S.M., O’Grady, K.E., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Kirk, A., &
Schwartz, R.P. (2013, June). Validity of a brief screener for adolescent
tobacco, alcohol, and drug use.
Poster presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Gordon, M.S., Kinlock, T.W., Schwartz, R.P., & O’Grady, K.E. (2013, June).
Severity, frequency and variety of
crime in heroin-dependent prisoners enrolled in a buprenorphine study. Poster presented at the 75th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Mitchell, S.G., Gryczynski, J., Myers, C.P., O’Grady, K.E., Schwartz, R.P.,
Olsen, Y.K., & Jaffe, J.H. (2013,
June). Indicators of treatment success: Comparing urine drug screening
outcomes with quality of life for buprenorphine patients. Poster presented at the 75th Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Arria, A.M., O'Grady,
K.E., Caldeira, K.M., & Vincent, K.B. (2013, June). Increased risk for alcohol use disorder in college students: The role
of parental substance use problems. Paper presented at the 36th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.
Arria, A.M., Moshkovich,
O., Caldeira, K.M., Bugbee, B.A., Vincent, K.B., & O'Grady, K.E. (2013,
April) Attitudes and behaviors of young
adults regarding provision of alcohol to underage youth. Paper presented at
Public Health Research@Maryland, College Park, MD.
Garnier-Dykstra, L.M.,
Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., & Arria, A.M. (2012,
November). Examining the relationship
between nonmedical use of prescription drugs and victimization. Paper
presented at the 2011 American Society of Criminology Conference,
Chicago, IL.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira,
K.M., Vincent, K.B., & O'Grady, K.E. (2012, June). Discontinuous enrollment during college: Associations with drug use and
mental health. Paper presented at the 74th Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Gryczynski, J. Mitchell, S.G., Schwartz, R.P.,
O’Grady, K.E., Olsen, Y.K., & Jaffe, J.H. (2012, June). Patient preferences for shorter treatment
duration do not predict early dropout from buprenorphine treatment. Paper
presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Kelly, S.M., O’Grady, K.E., Jaffe, J.H., Gandhi,
D., & Schwartz, R.P. (2012, June). Methadone
with vs. without counseling: Outcomes by parole and probation status. Paper
presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Kirtadze, I., Otiashvili, D. O’Grady, K.E., Zule,
W., Krupitsky, E., Wechsberg, W., & Jones, H.E. (2012, June) Twice-stigmatized: Provider’s perspectives
on drug-using women in the Republic of Georgia. Paper presented at the 74th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Lund, I.O., Kirtadze, I., Otiashvili, D., O’Grady,
K.E. & Jones, H.E., (2012, June). Female
partners of opioid-injecting men in the Republic of Georgia. Paper
presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Mitchell, S.G., Gryczynski, J., Schwartz, R.P.,
O’Grady, K.E., Olsen, Y.K., & Jaffe, J.H., (2012, June) IOP vs.
OP with buprenorphine: 6-month treatment outcomes. Paper presented at the
74th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm
Springs, CA.
Otiashvili, D., Kirtadze, I., O’Grady, K.E., Zule,
W. Krupitsky, E., Wechsberg, W. & Jones, H. (2012, June). Policy and
program barriers for drug-using women to access treatment services in the
Republic of Georgia. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of
the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Schwartz, R.P., Gryczynski, J., Mitchell, S.G., Olsen, Y.K., Sharfstein,
J.M., Warren, G., O’Grady, K.E., & Jaffe,
J.H. (2012, June)
The relationship between expansion of opioid
agonist treatment and reduction in heroin overdose deaths in Baltimore,
Maryland: 1995-2009. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, Palm Springs, CA.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira,
K.M., Vincent, K.B., Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., & O'Grady, K.E. (2012, June). Provision of alcohol to underage youth by
young adults. Paper presented at the 35th Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.
Kirtadze, I., Otiashvili, D., O'Grady, K.E.,
Zule, W., Kruptisky, E., Wechsberg, W.M., & Jones, H.E. (2012, May).
Developing women-specific drug treatment services in Georgia: understanding the barriers to treatment. Paper presented as part of the
Symposium Treating Opioid-dependent
Women: New Horizons at the 10th European
Conference on Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, Barcelona, Spain.
Garnier-Dykstra, L.M.,
Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O'Grady, K.E., & Arria, A.M. (2011,
November). The influence of rational
choice considerations on the diversion of prescription medication. Paper
presented at the 2011 American Society of Criminology Conference,
Washington, DC.
Kelly, S.M., Jaffe, J.H.,
O’Grady, K.E, Gandhi, D., & Schwartz, R.P. (2011, June). Methadone with or without counseling: Impact
on HIV-risk behaviors. Paper presented at the 73rd
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Hollywood, FL.
Mitchell, S.G., Kelly, S.M., Gryczynski, J., Myers,
C.P., O’Grady, K.E., Olsen, Y.K., & Jaffe, J.H. (2011, June). Characteristics of newly admitted methadone
versus buprenorphine patients. Paper presented at the 73rd
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Hollywood, FL.
Otiashvili, D., Kirtadze, I., O’Grady, K.E., &
Jones, H.E. (2011, June). Naltrexone plus
behavioral intervention compared to usually care: Drug use and HIV risks
outcomes in men with drug-free female partners. Paper presented at the 73rd
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Hollywood, FL.
Schwartz, R.P., Jaffe, J.H., Kelly, S.M., Gandi,
D., & O’Grady, K.E. (2011, June). Enry
into methadone treatment via interim maintenance: 12-month outcomes. Paper
presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, Hollywood, FL.
Vocci, F.J., O’Grady, K.E., Passdonte, P., Ling,
W., Fudala, P., & Walsh, R., (2011, June). An alaysis of counseling sessions attended by opoid-dependent
participants in a multicenter trial of buprenphine/naloxone. Paper
presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, Hollywood, FL.
Callahan, S.T., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B.,
Cooper, W.O., O'Grady, K.E., & Arria, A.M. (2011, March-April). Uninsurance among young adults completing
four years of college. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society
for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Seattle, WA.
Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., &
O'Grady, K.E. (2010, June). Drugged driving: Prevalence and trends in a
college student sample. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Garnier-Dykstra, L.M., O'Grady, K.E., Caldeira,
K.M., Vincent, K.B., Arria, A.M. (2010, June). Illicit
drug use and extracurricular involvement during college.
Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Girling, E., Brown, B., Schwartz, R., O'Grady, K.,
& Katz, E.C. (2010, June). Comparison of baseline and in-treatment
measures of motivation and distress in predicting treatment retention. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Gryczynski, J., Kelly, S.M., Kinlock, T.W., Gordon,
M., O'Grady, K.E., & Schwartz, R.P. (2010, June). Methadone maintenance treatment for probationers: Predictors and
outcomes. Paper presented at the 72nd
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Katz, E.C., Brown, B., R. Schwartz, & O'Grady,
K. (2010, June). Predictors of opiate use
following opioid detoxification.
Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Kelly, S.M., O'Grady, K.E., Mitchell, S.G., Brown,
B.S., & Schwartz, R.P. (2010, June).
Predictors of treatment entry in a
sample of methadone maintenance patients.
Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the College
on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Mitchell, S.G., O'Grady, K.E., Kelly, S.M., Brown,
B.S., & Schwartz, R.P. (2010, June). Changes
In injection- and sex-related HIV risk behaviors for in- and out-of-treatment
opiate-dependent individuals. Paper
presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Schwartz, R.P., Kelly, S.M., O'Grady, K.E., &
Jaffe, J.H. (2010, June). A randomized
trial of entry into methadone treatment via interim maintenance: Preliminary
findings. Paper presented at the 72nd
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Tzall, D., Mitchell, S., Kelly, S., O'Grady, K.,
Brown, B., & Schwartz, R. (2010, June). Medical
and psychiatric severity of opioid-addicted individuals in- vs.
out-of-treatment. Paper presented at
the 72nd Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ
A.M., Caldeira, K.M., O'Grady, K.E., Vincent, K.B, Garnier, L.M., Kasperski,
S.J., & Wish, E.D. (2009, November). Longitudinal
patterns of alcohol consumption among college students: Implications for early
intervention with high-risk drinkers. Paper presented
at the 137th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public
Health Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Arria, A.M., Wilcox, H., Caldeira, K,M.. Vincent, K.B.,
Wish, E.D., & O’Grady, K.E. (2009, June).
Dispelling the myth of smart drugs: Cannabis use problems and
nonmedical use of prescription stimulants for studying. Paper presented at the 71st Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Gryczynski, J., Schwartz, R.P., O’Grady, K.E.,
& Jaffe, J.H. (2009, June). Treatment entry among individuals on a
waiting list for methadone maintenance. Paper presented at the 71st
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Jones, H.E., Wechsberg, W., O'Grady, K., Chaudhury,
R., & Tuten, M. (2009, June). Multidimensions of HIV risk for drug-dependent
pregnant patients. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of
the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Katz, E.C., Brown, B.S., Schwartz, R., King, S.D.,
O’Grady, K., & Gandhi, D. (2009, June). Retention and transition to
long-term treatment in opioid-dependent patients: Impact of intensive role
induction. Paper presented at
the 71st Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Kelly, S., Schwartz, R.P., O’Grady, K.E., &
Brown, B.S. (2009, June). Relationship
between patient attitudes toward methadone and methadone treatment program
retention. Paper presented at the 71st
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
King, S., Brown, B, Schwartz, R., O'Grady, K.,
& Katz, E.C. (2009, June). The impact of gender and other baseline
characteristics on AIDS risk perception ratings. Paper presented at the 71st
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Lookatch, S.J., Dunne, E.M., Brown, B.S., Schwartz,
R., King, S.D., O’Grady, K., Gandhi, D., & Katz, E.C. (2009, June). Buprenorphine
detoxification: Effects on problem severity and AIDS risk behaviors. Paper presented at the 71st Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Mitchell S.G., Schwartz, R.P., Reisinger, H.S.
Peterson, J.A., Kelly, S.M., Lotfi, S., Agar, M.H., O’Grady, K., & Brown,
B.S. (2009, June). Redefining retention: Three pathways for extending a
treatment episode beyond a methadone program’s boundaries. Paper presented at the 71st
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Schwartz, R.P., Jaffe, J.H., Kelly, S.A., Gandhi,
D., Weintraub, E., Urbaitis, J., Harrison, S., & O’Grady, K.E. (2009,
June). Interim vs. comprehensive vs. restored methadone treatment:
Preliminary findings. Paper
presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Stine, S., Arria, A., O’Grady,
K., Kaltenbach, K., Fischer, G., Martin, P., Heil, S., Coyle, M., Selby, P.,
& Jones, H. (2009, June). Characteristics
associated with cocaine use in pregnant opioid-dependent women: Preliminary
results from the Maternal Opioid Treatment, Human Experimental Research study. Paper presented at the 71st Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Tuten, M., Jones, H., O'Grady, K., Fitzsimons, H.,
Heil, S., & Chisolm, M. (2009, June). Delivery and neonatal outcomes of
methadone-maintained pregnant patients with and without a current mood disorder. Paper presented at the 71st Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Wilson, M.E., Kinlock, T.W., Schwartz, R.P.,
Gordon, M.S., & O’Grady, K.E. (2009, June).
HIV risk behaviors: Results from a randomized study of methadone
maintenance for prisoners. Paper presented at the 71st Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Reno/Sparks, NV.
Arria, A., Caldeira, K., O’Grady,
K., Vincent, K., Griffiths, R.R., & Wish, E. (2008, October). Energy
drink use is associated with subsequent nonmedical prescription stimulant use
among college students. Paper presented at the 136th
Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Public Health Association, San
Diego, CA.
Arria, A., Caldeira, K., Dugosh,
K., Vincent, K., O’Grady, K., Wish, E., Winters, K., & McLellan, T. (2008,
June-July). Parental history of alcohol
and other drug use problems, parenting style, and illicit drug use among
college students. Paper presented at the Research Society on
Alcoholism/International Society for Biomedical
Research on Alcoholism Joint Scientific
Meeting, Washington, DC.
Garnier, L.M., Arria,
A.M., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.E., O’Grady, K.E., & Wish, E.D. (2008,
June-July). Concurrent Use of Alcohol and
Prescription Analgesics Among College Students Using the Timeline Followback
Method. Paper presented at the Research Society on
Alcoholism/International Society for Biomedical
Research on Alcoholism Joint Scientific
Meeting, Washington, DC.
Arria, A., Caldeira, Vincent, K., O’Grady, K.E.,
& Wish, E. (2008, June). Initiation
and persistence of cannabis use disorder among college students. Paper
presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, San Juan, PR.
Caldeira, K., Arria, A.,
Vincent, K., O'Grady, K., & Wish, E. (2008, June). Incidence and persistence of
nonmedical use of prescription analgesics among college students.
Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, PR.
Garnier, L., Arria, A., Caldeira, K., Vincent, K.,
O’Grady, K.E., & Wish, E. (2008, June). Diversion of medically
prescribed stimulants and analgesics among college students. Paper
presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, San Juan, PR.
Jones, H., O’Grady, K., Kaltenbach, K., Fischer,
G., Heil, S., Martin, P., Stine, S., Coyle, M., Selby, P., & Arria, A.
(2008, June). Smoking in pregnant
patients screened for an agonist medication study: Comparisons to other
pregnant and/or drug-dependent female patients. Paper presented at the 70th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, PR.
Kelly, S.M., Schwartz R.P., O'Grady, K.E., &
Brown, B.S. (2008, June). Relationship between patient satisfaction and
methadone treatment outcomes. Paper presented at the 70th Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, PR.
O’Grady, K.E., Arria, A., Caldeira, K., Vincent,
K., & Wish, E. (2008, June). Academic
performance trajectories in college students: Relationships with alcohol and
marijuana use, depression, anxiety, and behavioral dysregulation. Paper
presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, San Juan, PR.
Schwartz, R.P., Jaffe, J.H., Highfield, D., Wilson,
M., Kelly, S., Ahmed, A., & O’Grady, K.E. (2008, June). Impact of interim methadone treatment v. waiting
list on arrests. Paper presented at the 70th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, PR.
Stine, S., Heil, S.,
Arria, A., O’Grady, K., Kaltenbach, K., Fischer, G., Martin, P., Coyle, M.,
Selby, P., & Jones, H. (2008, June). Characteristics of
opioid-dependent pregnant women who accept or refuse participation in a
clinical trial. Paper presented at the 70th Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, PR.
Wilson, M., Schwartz, R.P., O’Grady, K.E.,
Highfield, D., & Jaffe, J.H. (2008, June). Gender differences in HIV
risk: Results from a randomized clinical trial. Paper presented at the 70th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, PR.
Caldeira, K.M., Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E.,
Vincent, K.B., & Wish, E.D. (2007, November). Illicit drug use, sexual
debut, and sexual risk among female college students: A prospective study. Paper
presented at the 135th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the
American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.
Kelly, S., Schwartz, R.P., O’Grady, K.E., &
Brown, B.S. (2007, October). Services and
patient satisfaction in a multi-site study of methadone treatment. Paper
presented at the Addictions Health Services Research 2007 Conference, Athens,
Schwartz, R.P., Kelly, S., O’Grady, K.E., Sears,
E.A., & Brown, B.S. (2007. October). Attitudes
among heroin-addicted individuals towards buprenorphine and methadone.
Paper presented at the Addictions Health Services Research 2007 Conference,
Athens, GA.
Arria, A., Caldeira, K., O’Grady, K.E., Vincent,
K., & Wish, E. (2007, June). Risk for cocaine use among non-medical
users of prescription stimulants: Results of a longitudinal study of college
students. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the
College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Quebec City, Canada.
Brown, B.S., Kelly, S.M., Schwartz, R.P., Sears,
E.A., & O’Grady, K.E. (2007, June). Attitudes toward buprenorphine and
methadone among opioid-dependent individuals. Paper presented at the 69th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Quebec City,
Kelly, S.M., Schwartz R.P., O'Grady, K.E.,
Peterson, J.A., Mitchell, S.G., & Brown, B.S. (2007, June). Gender
differences among in- and out-of-treatment opioid-dependent individuals.
Paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, Quebec City, Canada.
Schwartz R.P., Kelly, S.M., O'Grady, K.E.,
Peterson, J.A., Mitchell, S.G., & Brown, B.S. (2007, June). Differences
in characteristics between in- and out-of-treatment heroin addicts. Paper
presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of
Drug Dependence, Quebec City, Canada.
Wilson, M., Schwartz, R.P., O’Grady, K.E.,
Highfield, D., & Jaffe, J.H. (2007, June). Interim methadone maintenance
reduces HIV-risk behaviors. Paper presented at the 69th Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Quebec City, Canada.
Arria, A.M., O’Grady, K.E., Liu, W., Caldeira, K.,
Johnson, E., Vincent, K., & Wish, E.D. (2006, November). Correlates of
suicidal ideation with and without depression among college students. Paper
presented at the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health
Association, Boston, MA.
Arria, A.M., Wish, E.D., Caldeira, K., Vincent, K.,
& O'Grady, K.E. (2006,
June). Patterns of non-medical use of prescription stimulants in college
students: Associations with ADHD and polydrug use. Paper presented
at the 68th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Caldeira, K.,Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E., &
Wish, E.D. (2006, June). Occurrence of cannabis-related problems among
first-year college students. Paper presented at the 68th Annual
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Kelly, S.M., Schwartz, R.P., O’Grady, K.E.,
Reisinger, H.S.,Peterson, J., & Brown, B.S. (2006, June). The role of
community support in treatment entry and retention. Paper presented at the
68th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence,
Scottsdale, AZ.
Schwartz, R.P., Kelly, S.M., Reisinger, H.S.,
O’Grady, K.E. & Brown, B.S. (2006, June). Differences in characteristics
between in- and out-of-treatment heroin addicts. Paper presented at the 68th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Sears, E.A., Kinlock, T.W., O’Grady, K.E.,
Callaman, J.M., & Brown, B.S. (2006, June). The complex issue of
treatment readiness in an offender population. Paper presented at the 68th
Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Vincent, K., Arria, A.M. O'Grady, K.E., Caldeira,
K., & Wish, E.D. (2006, June). The association between positive and
negative ecstasy-related information and college students’ future likelihood to
use ecstasy. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the
College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Arria, A.M., O’Grady, K.E., Caldeira, K. Fitzelle,
D.B., Vincent, K., & Wish, E.D. (2005, November). Poly-drug use in
college students: Preliminary estimates from the college life study. Paper
presented at the 2005 American Society of Criminology Conference, Toronto,
Highfield, D.A., Schwartz, R.P.,
Jaffe, J.H., Callaman, J.M., O'Grady, K.E., Battjes, R.J., Butler, C., Rouse,
C., & Brady, J.V. (2005, June). Interim methadone maintenance: Successes
versus failures. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Scientific
Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Orlando, FL
Kinlock, T.W., Sears, E.A., Brown, B.S., O'Grady,
K.E., & Callaman, J.M. (2005, June). Short-term effects of motivational
enhancement therapy with drug court probationers. Paper presented at the 67th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence,
Orlando, FL.
Schwartz, R.P., Highfield, D.A.,
Battjes, R.J., Callaman, J.M., O'Grady, K.E., Butler, C., . . . Jaffe, J.H. (2005, June). Interim
methadone maintenance: 10 month follow-up. Paper presented at the 67th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence,
Orlando, FL.
Johnson, J.L., Crosby, F., Hanlon, T.E., O’Grady,
K.E., & Highfield, D.
(2005, June). Brief overview of obesity in childhood. Paper
presented at the 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on
Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI.
Arria, A.M., Kuhn, V.T., O’Grady, K.E., Fitzelle,
D.B., Gray, T., Johnson, E., & Wish, E.D. (2004, November). Level of parental monitoring in high school and
drug use in college students. Paper presented at the 132nd
Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.
Arria, A.M., O’Grady, K.E., Fitzelle, D.B., Gray,
T., Abbatista, K., & Wish, E.D. (2004, November). Involvement in high
school extracurricular activities and risk for drug use in college students.
Paper presented at the 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Public
Health Association, Washington, DC.
O'Grady, K.E.,
Arria, A.M., Gray, T., Fitzelle, D.B., Scher, A., & Wish, E.D. (2004, November). Heavy drinking and
polydrug use in college students. Paper presented at the 132nd
Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.
Sanchez, L.M., O’Grady, K.E., & Lejuez, C.W.
(2004, November). Investigating depressive symptoms in MDMA (“ecstasy”)
users. Paper presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the
Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA.
Highfield, D., Schwartz, R.P., Battjes, R.J.,
Callaman, J.M., O’Grady, K.E., Butler, C., & Brady, J.V. (2004, June). A
comparison of heroin injectors and snorters seeking methadone treatment. Paper
presented at the 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan.
Jones, H., Johnson, R., Jasinski, D., O’Grady,
K.E., Chisolm, C., Choo, R., Dudas, R., Harrow, C., Huestis, M., Jannson, L.,
Lantz, M., Lester, B., & Milio, L. (2004, June). A randomized controlled
study of buprenorphine and methadone in pregnant opioid-dependent patients:
Their effect on the neonatal abstinence syndrome. Paper presented at the 66th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San
Juan, PR.
Schwartz, R.P., Highfield, D., Battjes, R.J.,
Callaman, J.M., O’Grady, K.E., Butler, C., Rouse, C., Jaffe, J.H., & Brady,
J.V. (2004, June). Interim
methadone maintenance: Preliminary findings. Paper presented at the
66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, San Juan, PR.
Arria, A.M., Fitzelle, D.B., O'Grady, K.E., &
Wish, E.D. (2003, November).
Neuropsychological deficits among inmates attending a jail-based substance
abuse treatment program: Implications for treatment outcome. Paper
presented at the 131st Annual Meeting of the American Public Health
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E., & Wish, E.D. (2003,
November). Increases in the abuse of synthetic opiates: A compilation of
evidence from epidemiologic surveys. Paper presented at the 131st
Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA.
Arria, A.M., O’Grady, K.E., Sanchez, L., Benner,
T., Kaneko, V., & Wish, E.D. (2002, June-July). Determination of
assignment to treatment among DWI offenders using a statewide database.
Paper presented at the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.
O’Grady, K.E., Arria, A.M., Sanchez, L., Benner,
T., Kaneko, V., & Wish, E.D. (2002), June-July). Predictors of DWI
arrests from 1995-2000 in Maryland: Analysis of a statewide database. Paper
presented at the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research
Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.
Arria, A.M., O'Grady, K.E., Rosenberg, M., Lee, A.,
Petronis, K., & Wish, E.D. (2001, December) A Comparative Analysis of
Chronically Unemployed Clients with Stably Employed Clients in Drug Treatment. Paper
presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of
Addiction Psychiatry, Amelia Island, GA.
Kinlock, T.W., Hanlon, T.E., & O’Grady, K.E.
(2000, November). Examining drug treatment effectiveness across prison and
parole systems. Paper presented at the 2000 American Society of Criminology
Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Crowley, M.J., O'Grady, K.E., Marchione, K.E.,
Kazdin, A.E., & Michelson, L. (2000, March). Informants of at‑risk
boys' emotional/behavioral problems: A longitudinal structural model.
Poster presented at the 71st annual meeting of the Eastern
Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD.
Brown, B.S., Farrell, E.V., Flechner, I.S.,
O’Grady, K.E., Voskuhl, T.C., & Nurco, D.N. (1999, November). Effectiveness
of an aftercare program for drug-involved offenders. Paper presented at the
1999 American Society of Criminology Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Kinlock, T.W., O’Grady, K.E., & Hanlon, T.E.
(1999, November). Differentiation of substance abuser inmates on the basis
of self-reported criminality. Paper presented at the1999 American Society
of Criminology Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Nurco, D.N., Hanlon, T., & O’Grady, K.E. (1998,
June). Predicting the parole outcome of substance abuse offenders on the
basis of Addiction Severity Index. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the College of Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.
Nurco, D.N., Blatchley, R.J., Hanlon, T., &
O’Grady, K.E. (1997, May).
Early deviance and other risk factors in the children of narcotic addicts.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research,
Baltimore, MD.
Nurco, D.N., Blatchley, R.J., Hanlon, T., &
O’Grady, K.E. (1996, June). The
parenting practices of narcotic addicts and the subsequent impact on their
children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
Prevention Research, San Juan, PR.
Hill, C.E., O’Grady, K.E., & Elkin, I. (1988,
June). Applying the Collaborative Study Psychotherapy Rating Scale to role
therapist adherence in cognitive behavior therapy. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Santa Fe, NM.
O’Grady, K.E. (1988,
June). Reliability, validity, design and analysis: An introduction and
overview. Paper presented at the NHLBI Workshop on Quality of
Life and Cardiovascular Disease, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest
University, Winston-Salem, NC.
Ciccarello, R., & O’Grady,
K.E. (1987, April). Maternal antecedents of daughter’s sex guilt.
Paper presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Eastern
Psychological Association, Arlington, VA.
Echeverry, J.J., & O’Grady, K.E. (1987, April).
The impact of AIDS on metropolitan Washington, DC men. Paper presented
at the 58th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association,
Arlington, VA.
Hofheimer, J.A., O’Grady, K.E., & Packer, A.B.
(1986, August). Interaction and development in infants born to adolescents:
Four year follow up. Paper presented at the 94th annual
convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Hill, C.E., Helms, J.E., Tichenor, V., Spiegel,
S.B., & O’Grady, K.E. (1986, June). The effect of therapist technique on
client and therapist rated outcome. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Wellesley, MA.
Hill, C.E., O’Grady, K.E., & Price, P. (1986,
June). Sources of rater bias in the psychotherapy rating scale used for the
treatment of depression collaborative research program. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Wellesley, MA.
Hofheimer, J.A., Packer, A.B., O’Grady, K.,
Holstrum, W.J., Goldberg, D., & Strauss, M.E. (1986, May). Four year
developmental follow-up of infants born to adolescents and the influence of
comprehensive perinatal care. Paper presented at the annual convention of
the Society for Pediatric Research, Washington.
Hofheimer, J.A., & O’Grady, K.E. (1986, April).
Adolescent mothers and their infants: Correlates of interaction and
development in the first two years. Paper presented at the International
Conference on Infant Studies, Los Angeles, CA.
Baldwin, J. Benson, J., & O’Grady, K.E. (1986,
April). Factor structure invariance of a cognitive measure over three grouping
conditions: A confirmatory factor analysis. Paper presented at the annual
convention of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
O’Grady, K.E. (1984, April). A confirmatory
maximum likelihood factor analysis of the State-Trait Inventory, Eysenck
Neuroticism Scale, and Fear Survey Schedule. Paper presented at the 30th
annual convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans,
O’Grady, K.E. (1984, April). Path analysis. Paper
presented as part of a symposium entitled Emerging topics in multivariate
analysis: An applications-oriented introduction, at the 30th
annual convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans,
Padilla, E.R., & O’Grady, K.E. (1983, April). Sexuality
among Mexican-Americans: An empirical approach. Paper presented at the 29th
annual meeting of the Southwest Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
O’Grady, K.E. (1982, April). Factor structure of
the WISC-R. Paper represented at the 28th annual meeting of the
Southwestern psychological Association, Dallas, TX.
O’Grady, K.E. (1979, March-April). Sex and
perceived risk for mental illness. Paper presented at the 49th
annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
McCallum, R., O’Grady, K., & Wilson, M. (1979,
March). Experimentally-induced anxiety and disclosure reciprocity:
Implications for neurotic disclosure patterns. Paper presented at the 25th
annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
O’Grady, K.E. Multivariate statistical methods
in sexual science. Workshop presented at the 29th annual meeting
of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, St. Louis, MO, 13-16 November
Agency: National
Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health
Title: Energy Drink Consumption Patterns and
Longitudinal Relationships to ATOD Use (R03-DA037936)
Dates: 2015–2017
Role: Investigator
PI: Amelia
M. Arria, Ph.D.
Amount: $152,000
Agency: Maryland Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, Behavioral Health Administration
Title: Maryland Statewide Collaborative to Reduce
College Drinking and Related Problems
Dates: 2012–2016
Role: Investigator
PI: Amelia
M. Arria, Ph.D.
Amount: $1,999,991
Agency: National Institute on Drug
Abuse, National Institutes of Health
Title: Drug Abuse Trajectories in
the Transition to Adulthood: Risk Factors and Outcomes (R01-DA14845 and
R56-DA14845, previously titled “The Natural History and Consequences of Ecstasy
Dates: 2003–2015
Role: Investigator
PI: Amelia
M. Arria, Ph.D.
Amount: $6,049,068
Agency: National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health
Title: False ID use, the
Development of AUD, and Provision of Alcohol to Minors (R03-AA019563)
Dates: 2011–2013
Role: Investigator
PI: Amelia
M. Arria, Ph.D.
Amount: $125,751
Agency: American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention
Title: Identifying Early Intervention Targets for
College Students at Risk for Suicide
Role: Investigator
PI: Amelia
M. Arria, Ph.D.
Amount: $63,750
Agency: National Institute on Drug
Abuse, National Institutes of Health
Title: Assessment and Referral
Technologies in Juvenile Justice
Dates: 2005–2010
Role: Co-Principal
PI: Faye
Taxman, Ph.D.
Amount: $1,320,093
Agency: National Institute on Drug
Abuse, National Institutes of Health
Title: Maternal Opioid Treatment:
Human Experimental Research
Dates: 2004–2009
Role: Co-Principal
PI: Hendrée
Jones, Ph.D.
Amount: $2,571,733
Editorships and Editorial Boards
Editor, Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, September 1986 -
Editor, Journal of Counseling Psychology, January 1993 - December 1998
Editorial Board
Member, Journal of Sex Research, July 1987 - December 1991
Editor, Journal of Sex Research, February 1985 - June 1986
Editor, Journal of Sex Research, February 1985 - June 1986
Reviewing Activities
Behavioral Research
Graduate Courses Taught in Past Five Years (Average
Enrollment Figures)
Quantitative Methods I (17)
Quantitative Methods II (17)
Multivariate Analysis I: Multivariate General Linear
Model (9)
Multivariate Analysis II: Seminar in Covariance Structure
Analysis (5)
A 601 SAS Primer
602 SAS Primer
701 SAS Primer
Natalya Gurevich, Bachelor of Science with Honors,
December 1997. Senior Honors Thesis: Development and Validation of a Measure
of Emotion Regulation.
Michael W. Tucker, Bachelor of Science with Honors,
May, 1987. Senior Honors Thesis: The effects of physical attractiveness,
intelligence, age at marriage, and cohabitation on the perception of marital
Benjamin J. Falls, M.A., 2007. Master’s Thesis: The association of early conduct problems
with early marijuana use in college students.
Lisa M. Sanchez, M.A., 2004. Master’s
Thesis: Investigating Depressive Symptoms in Ecstasy Users.
Susan A. Rockwell, M.A., August, 1987. Master’s
Thesis: Self perceived vs. objective physical attractiveness: Relationships
to depression, defensiveness, adjustment, and self and other evaluations.
Rosemary Ciccarello, M.A., November, 1986. Master’s
Thesis: Maternal antecedents of daughter’s sex guilt.
John J. Echeverry, M.A., May, 1986. Master’s
Thesis: The impact of AIDS on metropolitan Washington, DC men.
Michael D. Seiler, M.A., December, 1985. Master’s
Thesis: Mood, sex guilt, and differential sexual stimuli: Their effects on
sexual arousal.
Ira A. Abramowitz, M.A.,
November, 1985. Master’s Thesis: The effect of physical
attractiveness and intelligence on same-sex and opposite-sex evaluations of job
Laura G. Dykstra, Ph.D., May 2013. Dissertation:
A prescription for trouble:
Prescription drug diversion as the new trend in drug crime.
Aaron A. Harris, Ph.D., August, 2006. Dissertation:
DWI/DUI: Treatment Compliance, Retention, and Motivation for Treatment.
Kira B. Levy, Ph.D., April, 2006. Dissertation: Factors
Relating to Ecstasy Use and Discontinuance.
Ly U. Nguyen, Ph.D., May, 1999. Dissertation: A
cross cultural comparison of young adults' perceptions of spousal violence.
Joshua E. Wilk, PhD , April, 1999. Dissertation: The
role of assessment in treatment planning: The impact of the MMPI-2 on treatment
John J. Echeverry, Ph.D., April, 1991.
Dissertation: Taking the HIV antibody test: Behavioral consequences,
patterns of distress, and perceptions of social support.
Deborah R. Medoff, Ph.D., November, 1989.
Dissertation: The effects of model misspecification on the success of model
modification procedures in covariance structure analysis.
Michael D. Seiler, Ph.D., August, 1988.
Dissertation: Dyadic sexual motivation: Scale development and initial
Professional Service
Committee Member
Psychological Association
1981 - August 1982
for the Scientific Study of Sex
April 1982 - December 1985
January 1986 - December 1988
January 1989 - December 1989
University Service
1983 - 1984, 1988 - 1990, 1992 - 1995, 1998 - 2001, 2003-
1984 - 1988, 2001-2002
1983 - 1990, 1992 - 1993, 1995-1996
1989 - 1990
Review Committee
1984, 1985
and Tenure Review Committee
of Psychology Internal Review Committee
1986 - 1987